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How we work.

The donations that we invest generate constant returns, amounting to a far greater sum than the original donation, which are granted to high impact charities.


As the investments themselves grow in value, we use that to expand our portfolio, generating even greater returns. 

Over time, the impact of your donation will grow exponentially and indefinitely. 

Read more below.

Why do we do it?

Your money can do more

Traditional donations, while a great way to support your cause, are limited in their impact— used once, then gone. At Vedge, we believe in breaking this cycle by transforming one-time donations into a lifetime of impact, creating a lasting legacy that continuously supports the causes you care about.

What we do.


You donate.

Your generosity starts the journey. You make a donation, choosing to create a lasting legacy for the causes you care about.​​

We invest.

We use your donation to strategically invest it in income-generating properties, ensuring that your contribution works hard and grows over time.

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Donations stream.

The rental income from these investments creates a steady, reliable stream of funds, continuously supporting highly impactful charities.


Your impact is amplified.

Unlike traditional donations, your contribution isn’t used up. It multiplies, providing ongoing support and creating a far-reaching, enduring impact.

Over time, the investments also grow in value.

As property values increase, so does the potential for even greater impact. Your original donation continues to appreciate, further boosting its power.

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We reinvest this money.

We reinvest the increased value to expand our portfolio. This reinvestment creates additional donation streams, increasing support to charities.

Your impact grows exponentially.

The cycle continues, with your initial donation generating ever-increasing support for the causes you love. Your legacy doesn’t just last—it thrives.

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Who do we support?

Recipient charities.

The returns from your invested donation are granted to charities that support animals, nature and climate, which have been independently identified as particularly high impact.


Interested in supporting us or want to find out more?

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