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About Us.

A company founded to create your legacy.

Amplify your generosity through the power of investment.

Our Mission.

Donations are great, but let's face it - they're limited. You want to support your cause, but once donations are spent, charities need more, creating a never-ending cycle of recurring requests.

Using the power of property investing, we're revolutionising the way that you give, driven by a singular mission: to maximise the impact of charitable giving and give your donation eternity.

Imagine if your donation was invested in property, generating an income stream. Your contribution could create additional donations, not just once, but repeatedly....



And Again.

...In fact, your donation invested will yield returns many times greater than its original value. Your generosity will create a legacy of lasting impact, supporting your cause indefinitely, beyond even your lifetime. 
We turn your generosity into a perpetual engine of impact, by investing your donation in high return investments, and donating the returns to charities that have been independently evaluated as particularly high impact.

This isn't charity as usual. Vedge unleashes the power of your donation.

What are the steps?

1. Donate.

2. We invest.

The first step to creating your legacy is donating. 

We invest 100% of every donation that we receive into highly profitable investments, that generate annual returns and grow in value over time. 

3. Your legacy begins.

Once invested, the returns roll in, creating a lasting donation stream to highly impactful charities. 

4. Your impact grows.

As the assets grow. We reinvest that money to invest again, and again, and again, making the increase in your impact exponential over time.

Creating your legacy and maximising your impact with Vedge is simple.

About me.

My name is Rory Cardy

I’ve always been passionate about creating lasting change through charitable giving, but I grew frustrated with the limitations of traditional donations. That’s why I founded Vedge—to transform one-time donations into a legacy that grows over time, amplifying its impact with each passing year.

With a background in Development Economics and experience in climate policy and sustainable finance at a UN-supported organisation, I’ve dedicated my career to finding sustainable solutions for global challenges. I believe that by rethinking the way we give, we can create powerful, long-term change.

Animal welfare is deeply personal to me. The exploitation and suffering of animals in agriculture is a critical issue that I’ve long been dedicated to addressing. But it’s more than that—transforming our food systems toward plant-based alternatives is essential for protecting people and planet, in fighting the climate crisis, restoring nature, improving public health, tackling food scarcity, and ensuring access to clean water. Vedge is rooted in these beliefs, using strategic investments to support impactful charities that are leading this vital shift.

Vedge isn’t just a project—it’s a way of ensuring that every contribution makes a lasting difference. Join us in creating a future where your generosity doesn’t just make a difference today—it continues to grow and support the causes you care about for years to come.

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