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A company founded to create your legacy.

Amplifying your impact through the power of investment, indefinitely.

we work, and we work well.


Invested already


Return on Investment


Portfolio growth in year 2


Recipient Charities


Your money can do more

Charitable giving is great but it's impact is limited. Once charities use your donation, they need more. This creates an endless cycle of fundraising just to keep going. 


High impact giving made simple

With Vedge, 100% of your donation gets invested into high returning investments that have the power to grow exponentially over time.


Leave a legacy that gives beyond your lifetime

These returns are donated to high impact charities indefinitely, far exceeding the original donation. That indefinite donation stream is your legacy.


Interested in supporting us or want to find out more?

Fill out the contact form here, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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